Friday, August 1, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes 2...

It's 12:30 in the morning and I had coffee and tea on my date with Scott so, here I am...
I decided to share what Ben said when we went to bed. We normally make it a habit to let them snuggle with me for a little before they go to bed. Scott comes in for a few minutes and we all pray and normally I give Ben and Anna Kate prayer requests to pray for, but tonight I asked them if there was something they could be thankful for and to pray and thank God for that. Anna Kate thanked God for "mading us" and Ben told us...

"I want to thank God that we don't have to walk like this" (and he stiffened his legs so that his knees wouldn't bend...sort of like a robot or the tin man with no oil). So Scott said, "Well, then you are thankful for your knees?" Ben said, "No, just that they bend." His prayer...

"Father, I come to you right now and I just want to thank you that our legs don't unbend but they bend. It makes it easier to walk. Why does it have to be easy to walk? In Jesus' name, Amen."

So, tell me why does it have to be easy to walk? And do we all remember to be thankful for the little things?

1 comment:

Patty said...

Oh, how I remember your kids and their prayer requests from Sunday school--loved hearing them each week. :) This one is priceless though--and I sure am thankful that God made my knees to bend, even if they don't bend quite as well as they used to.