Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our Last Name

Last night was AWANA for the first time this year. Anna Kate was a Cubbie again. I have pictures but will have to post them later. Ben was a Spark for the first time. (I remember having a roomful of around 25 Sparks!!!!) Ben met us at church because he spent the afternoon with a friend. When he got there I told him we needed to go to class and, of course, he started holding on to my leg and crying. I pulled him up to Debbie Herbert (fun lady!) and she asked him his name, just to get him to talk. He was taking big anxious breaths, but at least had stopped crying. When he told her, she asked "How do you spell that?" He said B-e-n. She asked him his last name and he said "jamin". He was sooooo nervous!!! I had to suppress laughter because that would have been the icing on cake for him. I knew he was scared but that shows me how scared he really was! So, I guess our last names have changed to Scott, Jennifer, Ben and Anna Jamin!

Oh yeah, Anna Kate has now decided she wants to be called "Anna". She doesn't like the fact she has so many letters to write for her name in school!


Beverly said...

He was nervous but he went - that's a step forward for Ben.

Patty said...

I have laughed and laughed about your last name being 'jamin. :) It's kind of sad that Anna Kate wants to shorten her name. Does she still answer to "Anna Kate"? I'm glad that Ben went to his class though--he's doing better!!! Love y'all!!

sherry said...

Ya know Jennifer that kinda has a ring to it, especially if Ben & Annie hook up & how she is gonna be a "rockstar" it's kinda catchy "Annie Jamin" Ben on the other hand needs to be a comedian. He will always be "Ben Duncan" to Annie, I am gonna send out the not so good pic's of a fun day!