Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So far, so good...

We took a week off last week, but didn't go anywhere. The week was pretty full even without traveling. With gas prices the way they are, we just decided to stay put for the most part. We had a good week though. We slept in!!!!! We even took a week off of school and started back this week with things a little different. With Marisa's help I'm hoping we have Ben figured out. We're taking a few more breaks and I'm also trying to teach him in different ways. Marisa tested him and one of her friends helped her score it and he's reading on a third grade level. I have noticed however when he's asked to spell a word, he really struggles. So this week we've been focusing a little more on spelling the words he's reading. He's doing a good job in Math and Spanish. He also loves anything about Science and he really likes Geography.

Ben also started asking me to teach him piano...my thoughts? Selfish as it may seem, when he has asked, I said "We'll see". What I thought was "Oh lands!!!! No down time whatsoever!" I'm going to have to drink more caffeine than I already do, but then I don't think even Advil PM would help me sleep. It's a vicious cycle...I'm talking about the sleep cycle for me. I'd love to have 8 good hours a night, plus a 1 hour nap during the day.

Well, my mom just walked in...I'll go. It's so nice that she can just drop in instead of taking a day off work or work out coming to see me around her schedule!

Let's keep hoping that Ben keeps up the GREAT WORK!


Patty said...

I'm so happy that you all had some "down" time. You and Scott both are such "givers" that you don't take time for yourself, instead are always doing for others. So, I am glad you had a fun vacation--even if it was doing nothing. :) I'll be praying for Ben and his work. He's so fortunate to have such a great teacher that's willing to try different things for him. Keep it up!! He's special, you know??? Love you all!

Joel and Kitty said...

Girl, you are doing such a good job! Seriously, I know nothing about homeschooling and raising kids...but when the time comes I will be calling :)

Beverly said...

In response - Mom's glad she can "drop in" too!!!!!!!!!