Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Recent Duncan Fun

Here is another superhero...his name is Shadow. Ben went to a carnival at church (Anna Kate was sick) and they painted his face. He requested it like this. He decided he was going to be Shadow from Sonic the Hedgehog games and cartoons.
Anna Kate learned a new step at ballet. Here she is practicing it. I can't believe how long her legs are getting! She just seems to keep growing and growing and growing! I'll take some ballet class pictures soon! She is as cute as ever in her pink leotard!

We had a recent visit from Patty, Jayme, Bryce and Collin from Lucasville. It was so good to sit and talk with them. Ben and Bryce loved being able to play again...I think they are the same kid in different bodies!
Here's baby Collin...isn't he a sweetie? Yes, I held him, of course! It brought back memories of holding mine...I miss it so!

I thought I would share another of Ben doing his schoolwork. Here recently it seems to be hard to get him to focus but otherwise he is doing very well! He is reading alot of books and seems to be grasping it! Today he pointed out Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, California, Tennessee and Texas on an unmarked map. I thought we would do well to get Ohio but he just kept going...I was amazed!

I just thought this one was cute. I put her hair in a ponytail for the first time. Scott wasn't sure he like it. Not because she wasn't cute, but because it made her look like a big girl. He's not into watching the kids grow up...I guess it makes his heart hurt!

Anna Kate was all ready for the first night of Cubbies. She already had her vest so I took her picture before we left. Ben will be getting his uniform here in a week or so. I'll post one of him in his Sparks vest before too long. We use their AWANA books for their Bible in the mornings. It really kills two birds with one stone!

1 comment:

Patty said...

Loved the pictures. It's just so sad at how bashful Anna Kate is around a camera, isn't it? :) I love that girl!!! I love Ben's concentration on his school work too--it sounds like he is doing great. But, he should, he's got a great teacher. :)

Thanks again for the fun last week. We look forward to seeing you all again soon. Love you all.