Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ben's Future

Ben came into my bedroom yesterday and had something very important to tell me...Sherry, pay attention to this. He said "Mommy, when I marry Annie, if she gets babies we'll have to get a four seater. But, if she doesn't get babies, we'll just have a two seater."

He was talking about what kind of car they would drive...I don't think I'll ever figure out how his mind works!


Patty said...

My guess would be that his little mind works constantly--not sure how it works! :) He is so funny. At least he has some plans for the future though. I love that boy!

sherry said...

That is toooo cute, if I had my way about it he will be Annie's husband & I pray for a 4 seater....or more haha!!!Tell them we love 'em and have a great Thanksgiving! Love ya all