It's 4:23 in the morning. Those of you who know me very well know that I like my sleep. I don't like it disrupted and I always feel like I haven't had enough in the mornings. I even take Advil PM when I struggle so I can sleep deeply. I didn't take Advil PM last night though...I took two Mucinex DM pills to help me get rid of this cold.
We're having a choir concert this weekend on Friday night and Sunday night and last night we had rehearsal. I went even though I sound like a frog when I sing and I am so glad I did. The songs that Brenda picked for this concert are phenomenal (at least in my eyes...or ears you might say). I just stood in the midst of the altos and listened. It was a good time even though I couldn't practice.
I really hope people get the meaning of the message. I have a few people I am thinking of specifically too who I have been praying for. I am absolutely amazed at the amount of people, or should I say Christians, who are walking around trying to figure out life. Not that I've arrived or am perfect (just ask my hubby who is sooooo patient) but God has become such a supernatural part of my life here lately. I was never one to lean very much toward supernatural but now that I have started thinking about it I have come to realize that salvation is supernatural, creation is supernatural, spiritual warfare is supernatural and life itself is supernatural.
We just had Dr. Bill Brown from Cedarville come and lecture on Worldview. It's amazing to me how we can become saturated with the wrong view so quickly through tv, music, people, politics and the list could go on. It made me thankful we don't have tv. It started out as a financial decision but family life has been so much more meaningful without a tv blaring all the time. Dr. Brown said that there are very few people that can just sit and be quiet. I had never thought of that, but he's right. Our minds need endless sources of entertainment...myself included.
Well, I'm still awake. I should probably be taking this time to be quiet before the Lord (since quiet at this house is unheard of usually). I do realize I've rambled alot, but please remember it is 4:30 in the morning! Later, I'll post a picture of Anna Kate with a little story about her...something I need to remember always!