Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Little Firefly

Here we are at the theater. It was at the old Huntington High and it seemed very grand. It was a beautiful old building. I made Anna Kate wear black knit pants over her tights to keep them "safe".
She was so excited to get to her ballet. She's getting so independent and big...
I was there really early because I was a chaperone for Anna Kate's class so I was able to snap this picture of her on stage. She loves dancing and I think she's doing a very good job considering her age. The thing I like about Amy's dance class is that she is a Christian and she prays with the girls and the ballet this year was "Creation to Revelation".
Here she is waiting backstage in the dressing room. It was a VERY long day. We spent about three hours in the back with lots of little girls in tutus, tights, tiaras and wings. It was tiring and exhausting but seeing Anna Kate dance made every minute worth it!
Here she is waiting in the wings to go out and dance. Have you ever tried to keep six little ballerinas quiet in an echoing hallway? It's pretty much impossible!
I'll post some more pictures later. We weren't able to take snapshots during the performance but my dad came to dress rehearsal and got some shots of her dancing there. When I get those, I'll post some of those too.


Patty said...

What a beautiful little ballerina. It sounds like the class was made just for her. :) She looks beautiful and it looks like she is having so much fun. Thanks for posting these. Love ya'

Sharlene and Greg said...

She is absolutely cute! I'm sure she will get Scott to do many things as she grows up. Daddy's don't stand a chance around their daughters.