Friday, February 6, 2009

A New Baby

No, not us! A friend of mine had her third baby this morning. First of all, I have to say, he's a cutie! I went to see the babe and his mommy and daddy today. We were doing some other errands so Scott and kids went and just waited in the waiting room. After we were on our way again in the car, Anna Kate gave me some insight that I have never had before...

Anna Kate: Mommy, do you know how babies eat when they are in their mommy's bellies? Their mommies just eat, and whatever they eat, it goes down to their belly and the baby catches it in it's hand and puts the food in their "moufs".

Me: Anna Kate, I don't think that's how babies eat!

Anna Kate: Uh-huh!!! That's how Jayme told they "eated" when she had her baby in her belly.

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