Sunday, February 1, 2009

Memory Loss

Well, I have a new one from Ben. I thought I might not put this on the blog but it's just so must be Duncan kid trait. The Duncan grandkids come up with some of the funniest things, like when one nephew said his stomach hurt "like a submarine crashed on the bottom of the ocean...and people died".

Ben first of all, ran to me in the other room to be sure I knew he needed to "poo-poo". Being his mother, I realized that meant he wanted me to check on him. When I went to check on him here was the conversation...

Me: Ben, are you done?

Ben: Yes, I'm done. Shew that didn't feel so good!

Me: Well, sometimes that happens.

Ben: Yeah, it made me lose some of my memories.

I've never heard of that condition, but if a condition can be thought of, it will probably be thought of by one of the seven Duncan grandkids...


littletoesandcheerios said...

Now that's funny and they never seem to grow out of the bathroom humor!

Patty said...

Little boys and their potty stories! And, his poor memories, GONE! You have a funny little man there, you know that? I love him!!