Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Spanish Anyone?

Ben is learning Spanish this year and I'm planning on catching Anna Kate up with him this summer when I don't have the extra kids.

She's pretty excited about that and tries to speak in Spanish now which brought about the following conversation at lunch:

Anna Kate: "Mommy is codo se lala a word in Spanish?"

Me: Um...I don't think so sweetie.

Ben: Uh, babee, it's not even a word in English!!!

He gets very exasperated when his little sister "tries" to speak in Spanish...


Sharlene and Greg said...

Funny! Micah and Ben should carry on a conversation. He is in his 3rd year of Spanish.

sherry said...

He & Annie are so much alike, she is always correcting Charlee and her unique choice of words and she too gets frustrated with her.

Patty said...

That's funny. I remember that he had a hard time with kids who didn't know how to say "hi" to him in Spanish. It sounds like he's doing well though--he's a smart one!!

littletoesandcheerios said...

I wanted to tell you and Patty about these blog carnivals I do on Tues-Thurs.
The first two are at
The first one is Tackle it Tuesday where you post about anything you have accomplished for that week...even if it's cooking or cleaning out the fridge! The second one is Wordless Weds where you post a photo that needs little or no words to describe it.

On Thursdays at www.wearethatfamily.blogspot.com
It's called Sincerely "Fro" Me to You and you post any photo from your past and tell the story behind it.

It's sooo much fun and a great group of women! Let me know if you need any help.

Beverly said...

I believe Anna Kate and I could communicate in Spanish. When I responded the other day to one of her "Spanish comments" she just looked at me and laughed. Ben on the other hand does not appreciate our efforts.

Patty said...

Well, you know Beverly that Ben told Josh the other day that his basketball coach looked a lot like his daddy, except that his face was different and he wasn't as serious as his daddy...then he said "Me and my daddy are very serious, you know?"....Ben is very serious, especially about his Spanish, I guess....but, his daddy, I've never really thought of him as the "serious" type. :) They are both super guys though!!