Thursday, January 15, 2009

My kids are on a roll!

I was doing Ben's schoolwork with him and going over his states. Let me brag for just a minute...he knows 46 of them and can point them out on an unmarked map and give me the names for them.

I pointed out where Washington D.C. is and he said "oh, I know what that is. It's our capital." I told him that in a year or so we would take a field trip there to let him see it in person. He then said "Yeah, and when we go to the President's white house, I need to act very formal".


Beverly said...

I love to read this stuff - it makes me smile even when I'm overwhelmed at work.

Patty said...

Great job Ben. I know I couldn't do that well. Josh has a friend who was doing some of his practicum work in a high school in Ky. a few years ago and there were high school kids who were naming states on an unmarked map, things like "South Virginia"..."North Virginia". Ben's ready for high school!!! That really is good for his age! Go Ben Go...

littletoesandcheerios said...

What a smart little guy!