Monday, April 28, 2008

Closing Madness

We were supposed to close on our house today in Lucasville and the sell of our house was going to be done! However, it didn't happen that way! We drove all the way there only to be called at 3:30 (our appointment was at 4:00), and be told it wasn't going to happen today! The property needs to be resurveyed, which is a long story itself. The survey will have to be done this week plus cost around $900!!! My patience was wearing thin. It should close the beginning of next week. Sometimes, I get so angry at myself. That is such a minor setback in life and things could actually be so much worse.

My first question to God was "Why does my patience need to be tested like this?" I guess He could ask me the same question! All in all, I have to know that God is in control of it. God has made it so evident that this is where He has us and so I know He's going to take care of things...maybe not the way I would, but who am I?

The funny thing is, we have been working with Ben on not getting upset when things don't go his way. Oh, what a lesson learned!!!!! Things didn't go my way. I didn't get my big, fat check for the closing costs on our new house and we have to ask for an extension on the closing date here. But did I fail in the way I handled it? I can honestly say, around six years ago I probably would have lost it and thrown a mini fit on someone. But, although I was pointed, I didn't even shed tears over the fact that this company was not doing what they were supposed to be doing. I just looked at the attorney and said "Do what needs to be done and take it out of our proceeds." It seems God is helping me stay in check with my son.

Overall, this is so miniscule compared to the problems of others. As I sit here, I can name at least five people, without thought, who have it harder than I do. So, "close the sale in Your time Lord" has to be my prayer!

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